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Home Accessories PST400C PST400T TB400 MeterTech


An advanced calibration bath system with outstanding temperature control using a PC Windows program for operation and regulation.
Designed for testing of up to 20 sensors simultaneously.
The temperature bath is optimised for accurate and rapid testing of temperature sensors in production quantities.
The temperature range of the bath – 10 - 150°C – gives the opportunity to control and pair sensors according to EN1434 over a temperature range of 0 - 180°C.
The sensor measurements are for optimum result made by our testing station PST400T, used by several certified laboratories

The chosen design gives stability to the whole bath, and provides a minimum temperature variation between the different sensor positions.
The high power heater, together with the ability of the regulation electronics to control the power in small steps, you can achieve either a desired rapid temperature change or a stable regulation when the desired temperature is reached.


TB400 Calibration bath

TB400 Program

TB400 Controller Program

Technical data

Temperature range Temperature stability Temperature gradients between testing apertures Elektrical connection
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